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Sound Bath


- Nicola Tesla

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”

    Deepak Chopra states that, “The universe is sound.” Modern physicists agree that everything is vibration. The universe is in a constant state of vibration, and this energy has the ability to interact with the energetic frequency within your body. There are a number of medical visionaries that that tell us that our bodies are orchestras that can be tuned and made more healthy with music, mantras, and many other sonic modalities. Sound is utilized in different areas of medicine and holistic healing. It’s common practice for a doctor to harness it in the form of an ultrasound to treat kidney stones as well as for the acceleration of healing bone fractures. According to Jonathon Godman, “There are scientists who have examined our genetic code, found it analogous to music, and are researching ways in which sound may be able to effect healing through our DNA.”


     A sound bath has the potential to calm your nervous system and facilitate shifts in your brain wave state to a more relaxing state by using rhythm and frequency, specifically with bilateral sounds. A sound bath uses different instruments to improve your emotional and physical well being. A sound session may involve sitting or lying down while listening to various sounds and/or instruments. If one is open and willing, a bowl may be placed on your body to help you engage more with the frequency of the bowl on a cellular level. A sound bath is both a passive and participatory experience. The passive aspect is that you become more relaxed by laying down and slowing your breath. By doing this, you prepare yourself to become the receiver of sound. You may be asked to be an active participant in a meditation that may create a pathway for healing.


Private Session

50 Minutes




Semi-Private Session

50 Minutes



Group Session

50 Minutes



© 2022 by Natalie Keese-Hamm       |       Last updated August 12th 2024

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